Poetry in Moten and I had a g-chat conversation today in which we mostly discussed Flynn/Devendorf/Harris
all declaring for the draft. Other minor things are in the conversation, such as slow sandwich delivery (my end of the conversation took place in a coffee shop) and Tyler Hansbrough, but for the most part it is 'Cuse-centric.
Note that the convo has been heavily edited for grammar, spelling, and over the top cursing to make it easier on the reader's eyes. We do not actually talk to each other on g-chat as if there is an English teacher watching us.
Moten: thbbbbbbbbbbbbt. Flynn, Devo, Harris. All declared.
K-Gun: Oucharoo. That's no good
Moten: In theory, they can all still come back.
K-Gun: It would be awesome if they all did.
Moten: I’m sure none of them will.
K-Gun: But I still think they are national title contenders if only Flynn returns… How many years are we getting Wes Johnson for?
Moten: two
K-Gun: At least we can have a year of him/Waiters.
Moten: In theory, unless Wes leaves after next year.
K-Gun: thbbbt. I don't see why he would waste a year of his life not playing, just to spend a single year with his new team. But I suppose it is possible.
Moten: I mean, if he scores like 20 points a game next year and people say he's a lottery pick, then I doubt he'd care about sitting out that year.
K-Gun: true
Moten: For whatever reason, I'm most confident that Flynn will come back.
K-Gun: Yeah…with the whole "playing at Syracuse was always the dream" and seemingly declaring because Boeheim suggested doing it…
Moten: Though Harris said the same thing….and after the season, Devendorf was the only person who clearly said he would be back.
K-Gun: If i were in Harris or Devo's position, I think I would leave school to make money (if I had a child). Also, I wouldn't have been stupid enough to have a kid at age 20.
Moten: But also, they both seem to be getting by just fine now, so what's another year?
K-Gun: yeah
Moten: Clearly…Shitville is horrible.
K-Gun: Hate Shitville.
Moten: Oh well.
K-Gun: But if they offered me a professional basketball contract I'd go.
Moten: until they hire an agent, declaring means literally nothing.
Moten: hahaha…Someone in my office was saying Scoop should declare, just as a joke.
K-Gun: Boeheim should declare.
Moten: What if the whole team declared, just so they could go to NBA workouts.
K-Gun: Hilarious. What could potentially suck, is that Flynn going to NB workouts might improve his stock, because nobody is actually as good as him, a lot of people just don't necessarily realize it yet.
Moten: Possible
K-Gun: Perhaps the Knicks should tell him they will draft him to scare him into staying.
Moten: Can you imagine a world where Flynn comes back and HARRIS is in the draft?
K-Gun: HARRIS was supposed to be one and done.
Moten: It makes no sense…I kind of feel like Harris would stay if Flynn was staying.
K-Gun: I have to imagine it would sway him.
Moten: Yeah. Also, if I could only have two of them come back, I would select Flynn and Devendorf. Wes Johnson is a taller, better version of Harris.
K-Gun: yeah
Moten: But, i also enjoy Paul Harris the person, and his throwing of things into the crowd…and doing ridiculous dunks.
K-Gun: I want them all back, so they can run out lines of substitutions like Louisville.
Moten: yah
K-Gun: I can't wait till this place brings out my sandwich. I didn't realize making a tuna sandwich with cheddar melted on it took so long.
K-Gun: Is syracuse's incoming recruiting class really 5th in the nation or whatever it is rumored to be on some other blogs?
Moten: Who knows. I haven't actually seen that anywhere.
K-Gun: I thought this year was relatively down, but was going to be okay because of everyone staying, leading into Dion Waiters coming and miraculously choosing to wear #25.
Moten: haha
(Quick tangent: During the 01-02 season, I went into a sports apparel store and decided to purchase a Syracuse basketball jersey. My options were #3 - Preston Shumpert - and #25 - Damone Brown. I went with 25. I had a 50/50 chance of making an awesome life decision and I failed epically.)
Moten: If all three leave, Brandon Triche better be fucking awesome…and/or scoop better be a lot better, because Rautins certainly isn't playing the point.
Moten:rivals.com doesn't even have Syracuse in the top 25 for next year's class.
K-Gun: Figured…I was sure i had remembered this year not being as good.
Moten: 8th in 2010
K-Gun: There are only so many scholarships to be offered, so you can't be awesome every year in that department.
Moten: They're not ranked on scout.com either.
K-Gun: "Interestingly, Flynn is the only one of these three who is in Chad Ford’s Top 100 although he has Harris listed as being “late first to early second” despite being ranked #103." (
Rush the Court)…hilarious. Chad Ford is a fool.
Moten: Chad Ford has about 70 players every year who are projected first round picks.
K-Gun: No wonder so many stupid players unnecessarily go pro.
Moten: I’m sure there are players ahead of Harris who are "undrafted.”
K-Gun: I was listening to ESPN Radio recently, and the guy was discussing the difference between Hansbrough choosing to stay or not last year and Blake Griffin making that decision this year…saying at UNC, you know you will have the talent to make a run at a title, where playing at Oklahoma is a toss up. The whole time I was thinking "also, Blake Griffin is going to be great in the NBA and Hansbrough is going to be mediocre, and he knows it."
Moten: Right. Everyone is afraid to say anything remotely negative about Hansbrough.
K-Gun: Something else to consider: with the state of the NCAA, and good players going pro early all the time…Hansbrough could actually get by on determination because he is more physically mature than most good players, due to being 3 years older than all of them.
Moten: Right, he's going to be eaten alive next year.
K-Gun: It’s going to be awesome.
Moten: I almost feel bad for him, because you know the world will either forget about him, or rip into him.
K-Gun: Hopefully the Knicks draft him, so if I am still in NYC for some reason I can see it happen first hand.
Moten: You will see nothing, other than a man on the end of a bench.
K-Gun: In most cities he will disappear into the shadows when he sucks. If he gets drafted by the Knicks, he will be reminded of how bad he is in the NBA constantly.
Moten: Right…I forgot that New York City is the greatest place of all time, and all other areas of the world suck.
K-Gun: I did not say that. I said New York sports fans are stupid.
Moten: haha
K-Gun: There are already people saying CC and Teixeira are busts, and there is no way they will get by in New York. The season is TWO GAMES old.
Moten: People are stupid
K-Gun: The other big Syracuse fan I work with isn't as distraught over the idea of losing Flynn, because he is also a Knicks fan, and thinks Flynn is exactly what they need. I mean, that would mean the Knicks would have to select him for him leaving to be okay, but still.
Moten: Right, he has a 1 in 30 chance of still thinking Flynn leaving is a good idea in a few months. Also, don't the Knicks already have Jonny Flynn? Nate Robinson?
K-Gun: Nate isn't a PG. Chris Duhon is their attempt at a point guard.
Moten: Close enough on Nate…small dude…fancy dribbles…makes shots.
K-Gun: yah
(conversation abruptly ends.)