"Eric loves Syracuse,'' Curt Devendorf said. "We've talked, but he doesn't plan on leaving. As of right now, he plans on coming back next year.''Well, as long as you're enjoying them, Curt. That's all that matters.
"Syracuse is very important to Eric,'' his father said. "He's getting good grades. We enjoy coming to the games. Right now, he's going to be back.''
In theory, this is fantastic news. Devendorf is a great player, and next year he could provide something this team has sorely lacked the past two years - a senior leader. Sorry, Kristof doesn't count here. But seriously, what's the deal with this "as of right now" garbage? Make up your minds! I'm not sure what it would take at this point to swing Devendorf in the other direction, but of the Big 3, he's clearly the frontrunner for the Most Likely To Return superlative.
There's also this:
Several sources close to the SU basketball program have indicated that Flynn plans on returning for his junior year. Flynn will enter his name in the NBA draft to gauge his draft status, but he would have to be a top 10 pick; or lottery pick at worst, to convince him to remain in the draft.Sounds promising. I'll take it. Anything else?
Attempts to reach Harris have been unsuccessful.Oh.
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